Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Friendship Day At LRMS!

“Friendship Day” was held at Long River Middle School (LRMS) this past April. Hitomi, a Japanese Ambassador Doll from Japan, visited our six Blue team.

On this day, the students were introduced to Hitomi. She was given to LRMS as a show of friendship between Japan and the United States. Ryo Okawara, president of the Mukogawa Fort Wright Institute, signed a certificate of Friendship Award on March 3, 2007.

Hitomi helped us to focus on our novel, The Big Wave, by Pearl S. Buck. This novel’s storyline had the main character, Jiya, face enormous tragedy when his family was killed by a tusami.
The students learned that Japan is in an area of tumultuous weather patterns, since Jiya’s family lived along the coast line of Japan. Thereafter finishing our book, we engaged with activities of East Asia.

We colored kimonos, made spoon figures wearing them and made origami cranes signifying peace. In addition, students had a choice to write a letter (pen pal) inside a kimono which was drawn by one of our LRMS students. A book was read, Sudako and the 1000 Cranes by Elenore Coerr for an understanding of World War II and the need for healing and peace after the dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in 1945.

Overall, the day was very eventful and one with of which memories were made from our reading, writing, drawing and discussing the richness of the Asian culture. As a sixth grade teacher at LRMS, I intend to celebrate “Friendship Day” as a sign of peace across cross-cultures.

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